National Miniature Donkey Association – The NMDA is a non-profit organization founded in 1989. The association’s goals are to protect and promote the Miniature Mediterranean breed and to provide an educational forum for owners and breeders on donkey care and management. NMDA publishes a quarterly magazine, the ASSET, which is included with membership.

American Donkey and Mule Society – The ADMS is a non-profit organization. It is the National and International Longears Registry and All-Breed/Type Organization. It includes five registry books for all types and sizes of longears (including Miniature Donkeys, Standard & Large Standard Donkeys, Mammoths, Mules & hinnies, and Zebras & Hybrids).



Pygora Breeders Association – The PBA is dedicated to the advancement and well-being of the Pygora goat. The PBA provides leadership in the promotion of the Pygora as a fleece-producing animal, pet and companion nationwide. We encourage ethical practices that will contribute to the long-term expansion of the Pygora market. We offer social, business and educational opportunities to our members. We also are committed to youth education, including but not exclusive to, 4-H and FFA.
The word “Pygora™” is proprietary to the Pygora Breeders Association and may be used only for goats registered with the PBA and the products from those goats.